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Trinity Goldens2 (Mineral Alloy) bluish2

CH Trinity’s Judgment Day


(Trinity’s Aim High DJ x

CH Trinity’s Champagne Powder)


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Judge has proven himself early in his show career. His first weekend out as a 6-9 month puppy he won Winners Dog both days and Best of Breed on Sunday! At his second show he took a 5 point major from the 9-12 month class under Breeder-Judge Donna Ernst. We are so excited to continue showing this young boy! My favorite thing about Judge is his movement; he just floats on the end of the lead.


Once he turned 2 years old he went out with our handler Haley and quickly finished his championship!


Judge is mister chill. He loves to play and will throw his toys to himself if you ignore him for too long. He is calm, cool, and collected; even as a youngster he had the best manners and has always been an easy keeper.

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